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21.02.2019 (Thursday)

L_infinity algebras, the BV formalism, and Classical Fields

Exceptional Seminar Martin Wolf (Surrey)

11:00 KCL
room Bush House S 2.01

I will first review the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism and its mathematical foundations with an emphasis on higher algebraic structures and classical field theories. I will then move on and discuss recent developments in formulating higher gauge theory with Lie quasi-groupoids as gauge structure. Finally, I will explain how all these ideas can be combined with those of twistor theory to formulate maximally superconformal gauge theories in four and six dimensions by means of quasi-isomorphisms.

04.02.2015 (Wednesday)

Self-Dual Higher Gauge Theory

Regular Seminar Martin Wolf (University of Surrey)

13:15 KCL
room G.01

I will review recent work on the formulation of self-dual higher (categorified) gauge theory in six dimensions using twistor theory.